“CAMP” is the story of a
deeply troubled boy, Eli (Miles Elliot, “The Mentalist”), and an apathetic
investment advisor, Ken (Michael Mattera), who get paired together at a summer
camp for foster kids and discover the meaning of unconditional love. “We are
excited for the opportunity to share the story of CAMP,” said Roebuck. “We want
to entertain audiences, but we also hope they are inspired to get involved in
the lives of abused and neglected kids in their communities. We are thrilled to
work with Word on the video distribution of the picture. Not only do they bring
a first-class distribution team for mainstream and Christian markets, they also
understand the heart behind the film.”
Word Films announces the August 27 nationwide DVD release of the inspirational film “CAMP.” Inspired by true stories from camps for abused and neglected children, the film’s writer and director, Jacob Roebuck, tapped into real-life events to acknowledge the power of the camp experience and the opportunity it provides to give unconditional love to those seemingly forgotten children who need adults in their lives.
As most of my readers know, we are BIG movie watchers in our home. Years ago we turned our family room into a movie room and our collection has grown to over 3000 movies. We enjoy watching movies as a family, the kids love to invite their friends over for movie nights, and its nice for Rod and I to have "date night" and curl up and watch a movie together.
CAMP is a very touching, inspiring story, and one that I was so glad to be able to watch with most my family. We did put the three youngest to bed since it is rated PG-13, but I think when we watch it again they will be fine viewing it.
This story made us laugh, cry and cheer for the characters. I have always enjoyed watching movies that deal with helping children and this has become one of my favorites.
I encourage you to watch CAMP which is now available at http://thecampmovie.com/
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