Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Calorease Review

I've been battling with my weight ever since the birth of my daughter 8 years ago.
I've purchased exercise DVDs, tried cutting back on my eating, I even joined a gym over a year ago.
I felt like I was working hard, but never really saw much a difference.
I have a pretty big goal of loosing 60 pounds!
I know it won't happen overnight, but I'm done with the extra weight and ready to take it off - for good!
 I was sent a two week supply (90 tablets) of Calorease. It's a weight management supplement that you take with meals that contain fat. You take two tablets with fat-containing meals three times a day. It's not recommended you just take it every now and then. You need to be consistent, but you need to do that with any weight management program.
The pills are average size, comparable to most vitamin sized pills.
There is no special diet while taking Calorease.
The reading pamphlet I was provided explains most of us consume about 100 grams of fat a day. Taking Calorease with each of your meals will target that fat. That's doesn't mean you overeat! Calorease is helping you achieve your weight loss goals.
The idea is that it can bind with up to 18 grams of fat per meal by taking 2 of the tablets and up to a total of 500 calories a day. Given that you are eating a diet ample in fat, according to the pamphlet I was provided, that’s an equivalent to 15,000 calories a month, which could be a whole pant or dress size.
After two weeks of taking Calorease I lost 3 pounds. I've recently cut some of the fat out of my diet so I'm thinking if I would have taken Calorease then I may have seen a bigger number, but overall I'm happy with any weight loss and plan on making it more!
Calorease 90 tablet supply sells for $29.99 and lasts about two weeks. You can purchase Calorease from your local GNC stores or HERE.
 You also have the option of a 180 tablet supply for $49.99 which would last around 30 days.
I give Calorease two thumbs up!!! Check it out and see how it makes a difference in your weight management.

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