Monday, October 17, 2011

Homeschool Budget

The Blog Cruise topic is: Do you set a specific budget for your homeschool supplies and books?

I do make up a budget for our homeschool year. Not so much a dollar amount that I want to spend, more of an amount I know I dont want to go over.
I start working on it sometime in March so it's ready for the used curriculum sales that start in April. If I can buy used, I do!

I keep a notebook during the school year and make notes on certain curriculum I'd like to check out or may be a good fit for my family, anything my kids may ask to learn about or if we are having trouble on a specific subject I will look for some extra things that may help in that area.

I think I'm a bit of a curriculum junkie. I've been homeschooling 10 years and have 10 children, so we've accumulated a decent amount of "stuff". I have my favorites that I use with each child over and over, just having to purchase any consumables that go along with it. I also like to try new things!! (Another reason TOS has been such a blessing!)

Every year I attend our state homeschool convention and find lots of great things there. I never go without my list and exact needs for each child. That doesn't mean I never leave with a few extras I hadn't planned on! :)

Supplies - I stock up when Wal-Mart, Staples and K-Mart start their back to school sales. I usually don't need to buy any supplies again until the next school year. I appreciate those low prices when available, so I really stock up!
I think the only supply I ever run out of is computer paper and ink.

How about YOU? Do you have a specific homeschool budget for your supplies and books?
See what others from the TOS Homeschool Crew are saying!


  1. Great post! Thanks so much for encouraging me to try convention so many years ago - I've come SO FAR!

  2. I am a curriculum junkie myself!! Also with a notebook, and I LOVE used curriculum fairs!
