Friday, November 2, 2012

Friendship Friday

Linking up with my friend Heidi again for Friendship Friday!

Heidi says -
I encourage you, this coming week, to reach out to one friend in some way – a phone call, a card in the mail, a shout-out on FB – let him/her know how you feel. Don’t keep it inside! I can almost guarantee that YOU will be the one who ends up blessed for it!
 Better yet! Link up with Heidi and join us every Friday and tell us about your friendships!

This Friday I'm talking about my friend MINDY!

Mindy and I met years ago while working together at JCPenney portrait studio. I'm thinking we were 16 years old, maybe 15? Either way, I felt a common bond with her right away and we've been great friends ever since.
Mindy is very talented, a wonderful wife and mother, she is witty and funny - so funny! I feel blessed to have her in my life.
There are times we get so busy that we let months go by without checking in, but when we do it's one of those friendships where we pick right up where we left off - as if no time had passed at all!
The picture above is Mindy with her three children and holding Ezra at one of our March of Dimes walks.
Mindy, THANK YOU for being a special part of my life. I value you and our friendship. Love you!


  1. Thanks for sharing about your friend Mindy, Crystal! She sounds great!

  2. Oh Crystal- I feel so honored right now. You are an amazing woman and I feel blessed to be your friend. I think of you often and cherish our friendship and always look forward to our check-in's (which aren't often enough!) I love you girl!
