Monday, August 16, 2010

School Time!

As much as I dont want to admit it, summer is just about to end and its time to start schooling. I love homeschooling my children, but I also enjoy our summer break. Its a mix of emotions when we get ready to start school, a little sad to see summer end, but we're excited to start another school year, this year will by my 9th year homeschooling. I'm very eclectic with my homeschooling, using a little bit of this and a little bit of that and some I even make up on my own. Thats the glory of homeschooling, for me! I am starting to work on a new schedule, rountine for my family. I personally run much better with a routine, a goal for our day. Not that I have to get everything done, but to have that goal to reach for, to follow. With two of my teens working part time jobs now, basketball practice has started, three taking piano lessons, one taking guitar, co-op, appointments, grocery shopping, errands - I really need to manage my time. Sometimes when I sit to nurse Marlee I watch a few minutes of the Duggger's or ck their web site. I'm curious about a product they have called Managers of Their Home. I'm wondering if that might be a helpful guide in making my own routine.
Its 8 am, time to get the kids up, have a beautiful day!

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